Simrad NSO: The Best Displays for Sport Fishing
posted in: Gear Reviews, MGFC News, Videos
Simrad’s NSO evo2 multifunction navigation system combines charting, sonar, radar and entertainment into dual widescreen displays — setting what the company calls a “new standard in the glass bridge navigation experience.” But, what’s it like in real world use?
“I have two words for Simrad,” says Capt. Kevin Beach, of MGFC, “Unmatched and outstanding.”
MGFC uses Simrad NSO & Simrad NSS on all four of its boats. Beach says Simrad’s function and ease of use are fantastic, but makes the point “SIMRAD’s performance can’t be beat.”
“We run fast boats, and we have to deal with busy bodies of water,” says Capt. Billy Wells on the Wild Bill. “The Mouth of the Mississippi River is always filled with commercial vessels, not to mention the dangers ever present from logs and debris. Add to that, the fact that we run through fog for part of the year, and you soon understand why we put SIMRAD on our charter boats.”
It’s a safety issue, and with MGFC, “Safety always comes first. That’s why we use Simrad NSO.”
“The 4G radar with split screen capability and dual range is unbelievable,” said Beach. “Customers get on our boats all the time and geek out when they see our Simrad displays. Everyone always says, ‘this is what I want on my boat.’ ”
Family and work demands might not allow you to charter trips with MGFC every week or every month, but Guess what? You can use what the pros use. You can install Simrad on your boat for a better sport fishing experience.
The NSO evo2 is designed for recreational, blue-water powerboats along with commercial vessels. It features intuitive multi-touch control, is fully compatible with NS-Series devices and Simrad Performance Modules. It is the world’s first multifunction system to offer dual-discrete video output with full HD resolution.
Simrad: It’s High tech for the Fishing Set
What’s dual-discreet, multi-function, NSO / NSS HD mean in English?
It means you can view information on side-by-side monitors or on a single monitor along with a GoFree-enabled tablet. Monitors are available in 16-, 19- and 24-inch styles. All have on-glass menu keys and can be flush-mounted with either black or silver trim.
Further expansion capabilities include plug-and-play integration with Simrad Broadband 4G and 3G Radar, GoFree Wireless Wi-Fi-1, BSM-2 CHIRP and BSM-1 echo sounders.
Simrad also features capabilities such as StructureScan Sonar Imaging, SonarHub Sounder, SonicHub marine audio server, and Sirius satellite weather/radio.
When asked what all this whiz bang, tech gadgetry means to fishermen who just want to catch more fish, Beach says, “It’s simple. We can see in the dark We can see in the fog. We’re not worried about damage from debris, and we’re able to see oncoming vessels. That means we get our customers to the best fishing spots safely, and with a faster trip.”
When asked how SIMRAD helps besides navigation, Capt. Wells , says, “the Sonar is awesome and structure scan is something you’ve got to see. We can see structures and features on both sides of the boat. We can see bait fish, structures and bottoms at any depth.”
Simrad’s NSO and NSS Systems have the features today’s sports anglers are looking for.
MGFC switched to Simrad four years ago. Beach says, “it used to be that Simrad had a reputation that you needed a Ph.D. to operate their electronics. We always knew they were the best, but for many people that reputation was intimidating. It’s not that way anymore. These things are dog simple to use. It’s awesome how much functionality they’ve baked into the product, and now with one button ease of use.”
Want to see Simrad Yachting’s NSO in use? Book a trip with MGFC. We’ll show you the difference.